VW Bus Bently manual. Robert Bentley manuals are the official Volkswagen service manuals. These are the best damn manuals you will ever find, short of talking to the engineers who designed your car. The Bentley manual is written in a readable, understandable way, and is full of illustrations, diagrams, wiring schematics, electrical test values, and more. The first time you use this manual you will save enough money to cover the cost of the manual! We promote these because we believe this manual is one of the most important things you need to competently trouble-shoot and repair your VW by yourself. Knowing what you are doing is always better than guessing!
Do-it-Yourself Tip
If you are just starting out on your Bus restoration project, there are more books that will be good to work with. Both the Do-It-Yourself Restoration guide, and the How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive Manual are crucial reading for working on your air cooled Volkswagen.